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The Manufacturing Process

Publish eric On 2016-07-02

       The batter for those cones is mixed in large vat-like mixers and placed in coolers. Air compressors blow the dry components in the mixers. Individual mixers and coolers are used to combine and store the batter for cake cones as well as waffle and sugar cones together. The oxygen compressors that pump in all ingredients are computer-controlled so the recipe for every cone is true. Computers also control all the other machines within the factory; in the mixing area, they tell the converters once the coolers are running have less batter, and so the next batch is mixed automatically.

       Because the dry components are blown in, water is added, and the mixers start to stir the batter. The dry components and water are combined for nine minutes before the other ingredients are added. The computer signals to a worker when the nine-minute mix is done, as well as the worker inspects the partial batter then adds the remaining ingredients manually. This is one of the few hands-on parts of the procedure; it is important to the smoothness and quality of the finished cones. The staff member resets the mixer when the ingredients have been added, and the mixer beats the batter for some minutes at high speed, not merely for perfect blending but to add just the appropriate quantity of air to your batter. 

        An example of a fully automated ice cream cone maker.
From the coolers, batter is pumped to storage space tanks next to the baking ovens. It is then pumped through a pipe. Cake-cone batter is pumped into the cake-cone molds, and waffle/sugar-cone batter flows onto plates similar to the bottom plates of waffle irons. The pumping system applies a pre-measured amount of batter to either the mold or even the plate. The dessert cones bake for about 90 seconds and emerge in their finished shape and ready to be packed. Waffle and sugar cones bake for approximately 82 seconds, but they be more difficult to complete because they have to be shaped.

       Finished cones travel along conveyors to the packing area. Cake cones are relatively strong and so are nested inside one another, wrapped with clear paper that is sealed to generally be airtight, and put into boxes. These packages will also be boxed. All boxes have been completely preprinted by a third party printer and box manufacturer. The outer design isn't only decorative but carries the nutritional information required by the United States Of America government for any single-cone serving. The containers are bulk-packed into greater cartons called master packs for delivery and distribution.

       Some boxed cones are delivered to the dairy-pack industry which fills the cones with sweets liners and soft serve ice cream, freezes their products, and repackages them for individual sale and mass sale in boxes in supermarkets. The best known of your dairy-pack goods are probably Drumstick and Nutty Buddy. Boxed cones are also distributed to food service businesses like Dairy Queen, Baskin-Robbins, and McDonalds. These companies (such as the dairy-pack trade) fill cones individually using their own soft serve ice cream and soft-serve products. Amusement parks are also part of the meals service business that fills cones with soft serve ice cream at that moment.

        Finally, packaged cones are sold in large quantities to retail businesses like grocery, chain, convenience, and drug stores. These retailers usually do not fill or modify the cones; they sell the boxed cones straight to the consumer who will make custom sweets and snacks with the cones at home.

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