Is it healthy to eating wafer snacks?

Publish eric On 2016-06-23

         Some reaches show that eating three meals and a few or three wafer snacks per day might be better to you than eating fewer wafer snacks, larger meals  so long as the whole caloric intake remains the same. When compared to the goging eating pattern, the nibbling eating pattern: Has been shown to delivers a lower volume of blood cholesterol Spreads the absorption of nutrients more evenly throughout the day. Leads to a smoother insulin response which is necessary for blood sugar control. Eating wafer biscuit do not  lead to weight. In many circumstances, having nearly three snacks each day and ingesting a variety of foods and drinks can get a positive, instead of a negative, impact on health. Snacks shouldn't be systematically discouraged, if the foods ingested as snacks create a healthy
energy and nutrient intake.


         Wafer snacking, defined as eating episodes between meals, is a result of cultural, social, religious, practical, and individual influences. Contrary to common belief, snacking has not increased recently.
Eating between meals may help in meeting calorie and nutrient requirements, particularly for some groups of the people, such as children, the elderly, or people with a very active lifestyle.
Although wafer snacking has been considered to give rise to weight gain, this may only happen if someone regularly consumes more energy than one needs. Furthermore, as long as energy intake is maintained, snacking may even help some individuals improve their weight control because eating more frequently may promote satiety, favours eating earlier in the day, and may even increase carbohydrate intake while decreasing fat consumption.

          In addition, wafer snacking seems to be associated with a lower risk of heart problems due to a lower level of both total and LDL cholesterol. It does not interfere with blood sugar level control in patients with diabetes. So far as dental health is involved, if teeth are cleaned regularly (at least two times per day with fluoride toothpaste), eating nearly 6 meals per day shouldn't lead to further problems. So that’s also the reason why so many people like to eat wafer biscuit and ice cream cone. So, if you want to eat wafer bsicuit , jsut eat them without hesitate in a right way.